
A souvenir of the French Adapted Sport Ski Championships. A truly festive occasion, with lots of sharing and great encounters!

Skiing for all
Come and discover a friendly resort, close to nature, with an exceptional panoramic view of Lake Serre-Ponçon. Réallon is the ideal resort for "skiing for all", the resort for you! For several years now, the resort has been committed towelcoming people with disabilities, so that downhill skiing becomes a discipline open to all.
Easily accessible alpine terrain, adapted facilities:
- Parking spaces are reserved in front of the cash desks.
- Access ramp
- A low-profile lift ticket office
- Sanitary facilities: one in the cashier's area and another in the reception area
- Access to a spacious heated room: "la salle de la Rama".
An adapted ski offer
La station propose une gratuité pour les personnes en situation de handicap (invalides à 80%) : pour la personne invalide et pour un accompagnant, pour les forfaits piétons télésièges, journée, semaine, saison sur présentation d’une carte d’invalidité avec mention « besoin d’accompagnement ». Tarif de 14€ pour le deuxième accompagnant pour la pratique du fauteuil ski.
A reduced rate will be applied to anyone with a disability card of less than 80%.
Disabled alpine skiing can be practised standing up or sitting down, independently or accompanied. As well as the sporting side, skiing is also a great way to discover nature and the splendid views of the surrounding peaks and valleys.
The Réallon resort is equipped with uniski and dualski equipment. And for those who need to be piloted, there's the possibility of tandemskiing guided by an instructor or a companion.
For beginners or advanced skiers: optimal supervision :
- ESF instructors: +33 (0)4 92 44 27 05 - contact@esf-reallon.fr
- The Comité Départemental Handi Sport 05 : +33 (0)6 49 09 06 90 - cdhandisport05@gmail.com - Winter 2021/2022 disabled sports program