Our commitments

This approach translates into sixteen eco-commitments covering climate issues through an action plan aimed at saving energy and gradually decarbonizing the business to achieve zero emissions by 2037. It includes measures to better manage, save and share the water we use to produce artificial snow, in order to compensate for snow variability. It includes investments to protect biodiversity and a proactive strategy to preserve the landscape, not forgetting the issue of waste generated by tourism.
- The Serre-Ponçon Tourist Office belongs to the Offices de Tourisme de France network.
- The Serre-Ponçon Tourist Office is classified as category I.
The Serre-Ponçon Tourist Office undertakes to:
► Provide you with an easily accessible reception and information area.
► Facilitate your procedures.
► Providing you with furniture to sit on.
► Provide you with free information on the local tourist offer.
►Display and broadcast its opening periods expressed in at least two foreign languages.
► Offer you free wifi access (subject to conditions).
► Be open at least 305 days a year, including Saturdays and Sundays during tourist or entertainment periods.
► Answer your mail all year round.
► Provide a permanent reception service staffed by people who speak at least two foreign languages.
► Ensure the supply of tourist maps, plans and tourist guides on paper.
► Give you access to its dedicated trilingual website adapted for consultation via on-board media.
► Distribute its tourist information also on paper translated into at least two foreign languages relating to:
- all classified tourist accommodation, including at least the name of the establishment, postal address, e-mail address, website address, telephone number and classification level;
- cultural, natural or leisure monuments and tourist sites, which may include an indication of user fees, opening times and periods, website, telephone and postal details; and
and postal addresses;
- events and activities;
- emergency telephone numbers.
► Update its tourist information annually.
► Display emergency telephone numbers outside.
► Present all the qualified offerings in its area of operation for all clienteles.
► Give you access to consultation of classified accommodation availability.
► Handle your complaints and measure your satisfaction.
► Offer a tourist information service integrating new information and communication technologies (social networks, mobile telephony, geolocation...).
► Respect the requirements of the Qualité Tourisme brand.
► Guarantee the reliability and timeliness of information on the local tourist offer by our holiday advisors.
Consult all all the information concerning the classification.
As part of its Quality Tourism approach, the Serre-Ponçon Tourist Office is committed to offering :
► a warm welcome ;
► attentive staff;
► fluency in foreign languages;
► personalized services;
► clear and precise information;
► assured cleanliness and comfort;
► the discovery of a destination ;
► taking your opinion into account.
Consult all about the Marque Qualité Tourisme.
Sustainable development: our internal commitments
The Tourist Office staff are committed to a voluntary approach to respecting the environment by adopting good practices on a daily basis:
► Water and electricity management
► Embrun Tourist Information Office managed by home automation (Project "ONE", Optimisons Nos Energies).
► Paper and print management
► S tock management and our editions
► Recycling
►Rational business travel
► Purchasing energy-saving and environmentally-friendly equipment
Tourism & Handicap
Reception staff are trained to better welcome people with disabilities.
All our tourist information offices are accessible to people with reduced mobility.
The Embrun Tourist Information Office provides visitors with:
► magnetic loop,
►Les fresques du couvent des Cordeliers et la cathédrale d'Embrun: kit for the visually impaired (brochures in large print, Braille or audio)
The key contacts for disabled sports in the Hautes-Alpes: Comité Départemental Handisport 05 and Comité Départemental du Sport Adapté des Hautes-Alpes (CDSA05)